Please contact to discuss your order.
Price will depend on the number of embellishments and letter used but morally ranges from $129-$149
Large range of colours of our velvet padded headbands on offer. Our headbands extremely light weight and comfortable for all day wear without headaches.
Our headbands/crowns are one size fits all and can fit both adults, teens and young children.
Take advantage of our complimentary styling service and email ( a photo of your outfit and we will create a collage to show you how it will look together with the headpiece, and we can also help select the perfect colour to suit your outfit. We can also guide you as to the best hairstyle to wear to maximise the look of your Crown.
When you wear dresses that are bright in colour or have busy patterns, attention and compliments are always given to the dress. We feel that our headbands/crowns bring the attention back to the woman’s face, and gives her the compliments and attention she deserves.
It makes our heart happy to see how you style your Blinged accessories, and how you look at your events. We are so grateful to receive photos and to be tagged on our Instagram page @Blingedofficial1
Enjoy this headband - it is made with ❤️
I look forward to designing for you.